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June 27, 2010


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Perhaps your tripping on some over the counter cold remedy?Appart from that maybe Sue Fox could weigh in here

It's a freezing cold morning here (southern hemisphere) and I think of you in Salem in a different state of consciousness; deletion of distractions; emptying yourself; travelling down to the bare roots of existence and I would like to hug you close giving illusionary warmth. So, I think of you, Brian.

Elizabeth, thanks for the virtual cross-hemisphere hug. Much appreciated. I feel better already. Now, could you do something about those irritating horns that I hear being blown at the (few) World Cup matches I've watched?

I understand what you are talking about. I wonder who I am now that I am dealing with a chronic disease. Sometimes I can barely remember who I was before.

I am whatever I am in the moment and it's always different, but if the difference is less interesting than the need to be a durable, reliable character...

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