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March 02, 2010


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If mysticism is about "... gratitude... awe... wonder... bemusement..." then that leaves out being free to be angry, annoyed, disappointed, frustrated and sad.

Being real and accepting what is sounds more enjoyable than holding to such a standard of mysticism.

Steven, I wasn't trying to make those qualities into a "standard," though perhaps this is how I sounded. What I was getting at is my personal experience that I tried to encompass with those inadequate words.

The older I get, and the more churchless I get (with little if any belief in an afterlife), the more precious, amazing, and bewildering my life, and life in general, seems.

Yes, this includes anger, frustration, sadness, and such, as you pointed out. But for me the "mystical" quality that underlies (or overlies?) every experience in life is the Wow! fact that anything at all is being experienced.

That I'm alive. That I won't always be. That right now, at this moment, this breath, this heart beat, I'm experiencing something. Hardly matters what it is -- it's something!

Brian, you said:

"The older I get [...] the more precious, amazing, and bewildering my life, and life in general, seems."

"the "mystical" quality that underlies [...] every experience in life is the Wow! fact that anything at all is being experienced."

"That I'm alive. That I won't always be. That right now, at this moment, this breath, this heart beat, I'm experiencing something. Hardly matters what it is -- it's something!"

-- Yes, I too feel very much the same way.

During my days as a manager, I read lots of books on how to be a good manager. Then I came across Scott Adams' The Dilbert Principle. I never read another management book.

I'm not as well-read as you on the things you write about here but I've read a fair amount. And one of the "best" I've found is God's Debris by... Scott Adams.

I very much enjoy this blog. Thanks.

Steve Mays

Interesting post. My tradition
Shambhala Buddhist Meditation suggests the downside to being an island to yourself, a mystic without a lineage of practitioners who have walked the path before you and realized some level of achievement is that you don't have a reference point for when you think drugs or your own cult might be the "right" answer. You have described your path as venturing in to drugs and then veering away but and that is a valid path, probably with no regrets but, if it was possible to relive that period and hypothetical fork in the road was either 2 years of drugs or 2 years in a meditation practice environment I know what kind if encouragement I would prefer.

Keep up the good posts!

This article resonates with me on a number of levels, tho i come at it from a different background, one of rationality as opposed to mystery.

I guess the question is whether there is in fact a hidden or transcedental reality to be discovered or whether its just false.

I also am not sure intuition should be removed from cognition, since both seem ultimately tied and confined to our sensory and psychological limits.

Was it leary or alpert or both that wrote a guide on using lcd to try experience the bardos? I think these psychotropic experiences are massively interesting, and it sounds like you have indeed had some 'holy shit' moments, i guess the question is looking back on them in the cold light of day is whether you feel any of them were real in any sense or helped you gain a deeper insight into reality.

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