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February 28, 2010


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Everyday, ordinary reality is what we've all been looking for...that's it! That's it!!! That's what "enlightenment" is. Enjoy!

You might someday consider another alternative definition to the string-- agnostic mystic. That means you don't know, don't try to understand what is there but you use the energy in ways that improves your life, you recognize the coincidences when they happen and build on them for your benefit. To me, (and I understand you guys have your own set of definitions) atheist means you know there is no god and hence can be nothing behind those events. Agnostic mystic acknowledges they happen but doesn't try to assign a power behind them to anything other than knowing they happen and can be useful when one takes advantage of them. As an agnostic, one doesn't give up on the possibility of knowing more about from where they come, but an atheist has already decided and doesn't look for that option.

Everyday, I am looking for ordinary reality and that's it? That's what "enlightenment" is? Enjoy that? --- I myself prefer the ultra high quality enlightenment stuff, please nothing cheap. So, I am looking and shall find my high class reality, I'm deserving of such.

Rain, I've come to the conclusion that there isn't much difference between the meaning of "agnostic" and "atheist." I quoted Dan Barker in an earlier post:
Agnosticism addresses knowledge; atheism addresses belief. The agnostic says, "I don't have a knowledge that God exists." The atheist says, "I don't have a belief that God exists." You can say both things at the same time. Some agnostics are atheistic and some are theistic.
And here's what James Huber says in the "About" section of his web site:
Q. How can you be absolutely certain there is no God?
A. I don't need to be absolutely certain there is no God to be an atheist, I just have to be reasonably certain that when people pray that I get hit by lightning, they're really just talking to themselves.

Q. If you're not certain there is no God, doesn't that make you agnostic?
A. Sure, in some pointless, bullshit, technical sense of the word "agnostic". I'm also that kind of agnostic about the Earth being round.

well people can define words anyway they want but the average person likes to have a definition that makes sense to them and the use of one word, that means there is no god in that person's eyes and one word that means might or might not be one and open to either, is helpful for communicating with other people unless you spend a lot of time explaining your terms each conversation. Agnostics don't go on talk shows trying to defend their position as they don't have one. Atheists do. If an atheist is secretly a not-knower, they might consider redefining their title around other people...

Rain, I agree about the possibility of confusion. But I think Barker is pointing toward the meaning of agnosticism and atheism. The "a" in the words is a negation of gnosticism and theism.

Gnostics consider that they know about God. Theists believe in God. So a-theism is not believing in God, and a-gnosticism is considering that you don't know what God is (or if God is).

I realize that it sounds a bit strange, but I think Barker is correct in saying that someone could be a theist agnostic, or agnostic theist. That is, he/she could admit that God isn't known, while still believing that God exists.

After all, our minds and hearts, our thoughts and feelings, aren't always in sync.

So if he sticks to talking to people where he explained that, they will understand but most people see atheism as meaning something specific and we have seen that illustrated many times through atheists like Hitchens who write books and are quite adamant that there is no god and it's not good for the world to believe there is. I would guess Hitchens believes he knows as much as any believer in god believe they know. It's the agnostic who is content to not only not know but not have to convince others of their not-knowing either.

God as a Scientist : Ten Scientific Commandments.
God Himself is Creator.
He/She/It created Everything.
So God must be Scientist and must use Physical/
Mathematical Laws and Formulas for His/Her/Its work.
For forty days and forty nights Moses wrote the tablets
of ‘ The Ten Commandments’.
Which Commandments are they?
They are moral, ethical Commandments.
Can be written ‘Ten Scientific Commandments’ ?
I think ‘ Yes’, God has given to us everything that necessary
to understand Him and His Genesis using Physical /
Mathematical Laws and Formulas.
Ten Scientific Commandments:
Fundamental Theory of Existence.

1 The infinite vacuum T=0K. ( background energy space: E ).
2 The particle:
C/D = pi, R/N= k , E = Mc^2 = kc^2 , h = 0 , i^2= -1
3 The spins: h =E/t , h =kb, h* = h/2pi
4 The photon, the inertia
5 The electron: e^2 = h*ca, E = h*f , electromagnetic field
6 The gravitation, the star, the time and space
7 The Proton
The Evolution of interaction between Electron and Proton
a) electromagnetic
b) nuclear
c) biological
The Laws
a) The Law of conservation and transformation energy/mass
b) The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle / Law
c) The Pauli Exclusion Principle/ Law
The test.
Every theory must be tested logically ( theoretical ) and practically
a) Theory : Dualism of Consciousness: (consciousness / unconsciousness)
b) Practice : Parapsychology. Meditation.
Best wishes
Israel Sadovnik Socratus
The secret of God and Existence is hidden
in the ‘ Theory of Vacuum & Light Quanta ‘.
I want to know how God created this world
I am not interested in this or that phenomenon,
in the spectrum of this or that element
I want to know His thoughts; the rest are details
/ Einstein /

"I want to know how God created this world."
quote Einstein

Einstein did very well in his young life.
But, only then. The concept of an orderly universe he worked so hard to prove, was disproven.

Another scientist proved the world chaotic.
And, came up with the laws to prove it.

The universe 'happened' by its inherent nature.

Not by a conscious Being making it happen.

Consciousness was the end product of evolution, not the cause of it.

Nature exists, not God.

Hi Mike --

Well. Hummm.. Chaos is a concept. Chaotic (or unpredictable)is proved? Proved to whom? To us measly humans, of course. Ahh, maybe we be like poor ants crawling about, trying to grok a rusting Chevy.


Are we talking an overarching deity type thing here. It may be something moving through itself experiencing all as itself using cape of time and space like hide and seek -- ant, man and rusty Chevy being equal.

Inherent *nature*?? Bro, Nature is also a concept oft employed as if explained everything. It is #only# nature? What IS nature? Then we lop the concept of evolution on top of the cone and viola, no need for superstitious wanderings anymore! But humans are storytellers basically, so before long Darwin will be a Saint Darwin.

The beauty of Nature is not the wonder of its alleged chaos in the imagination of humans, but its reassuring proclivity to order, be that order ever so temporary.

Hi Jon,
See the documentary The Elegant Universe.

Einstein and Planck made the assumption there was a God creating the force that makes matter.

Today we have Steven Hawkin and others
explain why no God was necessary to create
the universe.

Chaos and random theories derive from Neils Bohr and others. Einstein wasted
his older life in the persuit of a
a theory based on a wrong assumption.

He assumed the universe was orderly.

/ By Tim Joseph /
In the beginning there was Aristotle,
And objects at rest tended to remain at rest,
And objects in motion tended to come to rest,
And soon everything was at rest,
And God saw that it was boring.

Then God created Newton,
And objects at rest tended to remain at rest,
But objects in motion tended to remain in motion,
And energy was conserved and momentum
was conserved and matter was conserved,
And God saw that it was conservative.

Then God created Einstein,
And everything was relative,
And fast things became short,
And straight things became curved,
And the universe was filled with inertial frames,
And God saw that it was relatively general,
but some of it was especially relative.

Then God created Bohr,
And there was the principle,
And the principle was quantum,
And all things were quantified,
But some things were still relative,
And God saw that it was confusing.

Then God was going to create Furgeson,
And Furgeson would have unified,
And he would have fielded a theory,
And all would have been one,
But it was the seventh day,
And God rested,
And objects at rest tend to remain at rest.

=================== .

In the beginning was the Word,
and the Word was with God,
and the Word was God.
/ John 1:1 /
In the beginning was the Word.
And the Word was written by formula: T = - 273,16= 0K.
T = 0K is an Absolute Reference frame.
Scientists call this Absolute Reference frame as an Aether (Vacuum).
But if in the beginning was T = 0K, can the T=0K take the functions of God?
Can T = 0K be an Absolute God?
To answer to this question we need to ask:
‘ Which kind of particles can exist in this Absolute Reference frame: T=0K?
And then "God said, ‘Let there be light,’ and there was light."
/ Genesis 1:3 /
My conclusion:
The secret of God and Existence is hidden
in the ‘ Theory of Vacuum and Light Quanta ‘.
Best wishes
Israel Sadovnik Socratus

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