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December 24, 2009


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Well, I'd like to see Hartmann and Malloy get into over the existence of God. That would be something to treasure.
In my opinion Malloy is about as close to the proof of SATAN's existence as any living persion; well, maybe with the exception of Robert Mugabe.

You may say "Merry Mithras!"


Merry Mithras! May Mithras bless you! Amen!

You can forget about Santa Claus,Frosty the Snowman and baby Jesus- What I love most about Saturnalia(I mean Xmas) is my annual viewing of Scrooge staring Alastair Sim; a great film about personal insight and moral redemption that never fails to motivate me to try to be a better person. Now who could possibly Bah! Humbug! that?

Watch out for the Y2.01K bug

Father Robin

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