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November 30, 2009


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One with no two. (Hindu, but very good)

It. (lacks something, but can be blamed for rain)

COJ. (hmm)

EveryNothing. (my own word)

Nature. (pretty good if you don't limit it)

Om. (crosses many religious boundaries and definitions)

God [and variations]. (horribly tainted)

Godhead. (slightly tainted)

Ground of all being. (very good, sounds a bit grand and infers linear or creativity(?perhaps))

tricky indeed and if we thought of a new word people would only argue over that given time.

Maybe we should just use a word until it wears out and then choose another. After all it is only a word and the name is not the named.

Labeling is the problem but with language as the medium, we're a bit buggered.

This is why I like the word, Tao. It's a made-up word to describe what we can't describe.

Maybe you could go the route of Ta-Wan by making up your own word for use on this blog. Something like Qorph, BoDash or Splock!

I like "This" because what else could It be? This is It.

Tu Wan, nice names. I also like Tao and This, as mentioned. And I frequently evoke the name of the almighty with a "What the Fuck?!," such as when a tsunami kills tens of thousands of people. So maybe WTF should be added to the list.

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