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September 05, 2009


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Certain books (depending where on the wheel you are in your own personal life)resonate, until hopefully,one day the sea of regurgitated self help books become unneccesary. There is no need for any more spiritual self help books.You can wake up. Right now. This is it.

Hated this book. It would have made a great magazine article. Redundant and boring!

Loved this book. It has latitude and the intention behind it is genuine. Singer is simply telling his experiences with meditation and the personal transformation that practice has had on his life. He is a teacher not unlike a scientist or priest, you may not agree with everything he says, but the book is a valiant effort at tying together central tenets of several world religions. If you believe your way is the only way, and no other opinion or perspective is worth considering, don't was your time reading this book. Moreover, your write your own book detailing your personal theology and see if you can get it published and read by millions of people.

Had those references to chakras, energy centers and/or a male god been in the first chapter, I would not have read any further. Makes me wonder what other great content I've missed in the past :-)

Re the heart, that does make sense in terms of Polyvagal Theory (ref link below). And except the above three diversions, just about everything else is perfectly congruent with current psychological and neurological research. Truly insightful, helpful and brilliantly presented.
Especially, for me, his advice to recognize the many manifestations of the desire to be somebody, and let it go, and nothing is worth closing the heart for.

Glad to stumble across this, Brian. Thanks.


I am 29 years old and it is completely frightening that I am now just learning to open my heart. Ive been in survival mode for a long time and struggled with “finding self.” This book saved my life along with my bravery to step out of comfort zone and face fear. Thank you April Faulhaber.

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