Hey, it's Labor Day.
Which, rather paradoxically, is a national holiday in the United States where the goal for most people is to do as little as possible -- since the long hot lazy days of summer are coming to an end.
So I'm going to take it easy on my churchless blogging today, simply sharing some multimedia that tackles in cartoonish and musical fashion an important question:
WIll God fuck you up?
One of my favorite comic strips, Pearls Before Swine, seems to argue in the negative in this August 30 offering (I say "seems" because it's tough to tie down a philosophical position in seven cartoon panels).
On the other hand, it might be wise to keep in mind the Biblical alternative: God will fuck you up.
So saith the Postmodern Honky Blasphemy of John R. Butler, whose song "The Hand of the Almighty" is on his Surprise! album. (Lyrics here; YouTube version here)
I like the guy's sense of humor. Here's part of his self-written bio:John R. Butler is a Southwest Florida musician/singer/songwriter/forward-slash user. Gross Exaggeration Monthly magazine called him "perhaps the most important songsmith of his--and any other--generation."
Butler has played on stages before thousands of audience members all over the country...just before having been ejected by security, in order that the scheduled acts could get started.
haha the cartoon is hilarious. Thanks for sharing!
Btw on a different note, Have you read 'Godless' by Dan Barker, just got it from the library and skimming through it. Would love to read your review about the book.
Posted by: anonymous | September 08, 2009 at 12:35 AM
La Fee Verte... why thats one of my favorite old Absinthe sites!
You probabaly didn't intend to, but thanks for reminding me about it. Are you into Absinthe? ...or just that song that happened to be posted there in the La Fee Verte absinthe forum?
Anyway, here is a link to the La Fee Verte home-page if anyone is interested in learning about or getting some Absinthe:
Posted by: tAo | September 08, 2009 at 01:18 AM
anonymous, thanks for the Dan Barker book mention. I've considered buying it, and finally did just now. The reader (and other) reviews on Amazon sold me.
Posted by: Blogger Brian | September 08, 2009 at 10:38 AM
And here I didn't think I liked country music!! I've add that to my music library.
Posted by: The Rambling Taoist | September 08, 2009 at 08:11 PM
Posted by: tada | July 09, 2012 at 08:15 AM