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August 26, 2009


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Brian . . . You write a thought provoking blog. I enjoy reading it although I do not always agree with your conclusions. My own take on this God idea is a good example. I suspect that human beings have an unexplainable essense called spirituality. I think they also have a natural instinct we label curiousity. As mankind evolved we realized there were unexplained things surrounding us. Human beings sought explanations (curiosity) and when they could find none they invented God (spirituality) and called he or she responsible. Like an onion, layers of truth and fact arrived with evolution. With each layer of learning, God gradually took on fuirther attributes of superiority, and curious thoughts were satisfied. As scientific facts were proven, curiosity was satisfied and new questions arose. In the end the spiritual side of man accepted that unexplained questions are properly attributed to God, and scientific discoveries of fact are attributed to science.

So maybe belief in God is necessary?


Dixon wrote: "In the end the spiritual side of man accepted that unexplained questions are properly attributed to God,.." ...

--until they are understood and attributed to science.

".. and scientific discoveries of fact are attributed to science."

--until it is understood there is nothing but "God".

"So maybe belief in God is necessary?"

---I think God is interesting. However, I may "not" need to engage in belief or non-belief.

".. and scientific discoveries of fact are attributed to science."

---So, what discoveries of fact, not attributed to science, attributed to? All that non-knowable stuff, where is it coming from?

God is not an entity like you or me. It is a name which has been attributed to a power that remains unexplained.

If it can be explained, it is described by another name.

God is presumed to have a large number of attributes also which a man feels unattainable like omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent etc.,



---So, it's a fact, God is God? Sounds OK. However, again what is a fact?

What do I receive out of God being God? Even if it is a fact.

Life is an illusion and death is a fact.

If one can rehearse the process of death while living, the illusion of life can be understood. Death can be rehearsed by connecting to all pervading power/force/ so called God.

Body can be compared with a TV set which exhibits everthing that is transmitted but without an electric current, the TV set is of no use and so is our body without oxygen supply.

Roger, you know everything.

"If one can rehearse the process of death while living, the illusion of life can be understood. Death can be rehearsed by connecting to all pervading power/force/ so called God."

---So, where can I take some rehearsal lessons? Rehearsing must be important. Seems like everyone is doing the same. So, I must do the same too. I'm guessing, I need to understand the illusion of life, this understanding is important to have. I've been told, I need to connect to God through rehearsing death. Well, ok, I like to be told what to do, seems to make life a bit easier. So, when do I begin my rehearsing lessons?

Brian how did Charan Singhs death in 89 effect you ?Were you begining to question things before or after?I see you mentioned being married in 1990.Without Charan on the scene did this loss impact your feeling and thoughts about RS ?

Dogribb, Charan Singh's death saddened me, a lot. Just as I remember exactly where I was when I heard about Kennedy's assassination, and the 9/11 attacks, so do I when I heard of his passing.

I wasn't seriously questioning Sant Mat at that time. it was another decade, at least, before that started. I did a lot of seva (volunteer work) after Gurinder Singh took over as guru -- including writing three books, which took an amazing amount of time, energy, and devotion.

It's hard to say whether, if Charan Singh had still been alive, things would have turned out the same. Maybe. Maybe not. Life only happens in one way. I don't think his death affected me, questioning-wise. In a way, Gurinder Singh was a better fit for me, since he had much more of a "Western" style. (Crisper, more logical, less devotional.)

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