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then tell me what have they have got against academics, since they are too? No, its worse, they've written a book, so if anything its them that are out for glory; without the scrutiny of cut and parry.
What are we talking about this for? it has nothing to do with Taoism or the Tao. It is one book amongst millions by two fellows you happen to agree with and which i have no access too to corroborate.
As i say Lao Tzu almost certainly knows more than those two writers, you and me put together.
Posted by: George | July 13, 2009 at 11:56 AM
George, you left your comment on an unrelated post, but I'll respond here. I keep replying to you not because I expect that you'll open your closed mind, but because I don't want other people to be left with a mistaken conception of Taoism.
Facts: Lao Tzu likely didn't exist. Few, if any, scholars consider that the Tao Te Ching was written by a man called "Lao Tzu." The Tao Te Ching isn't to Taoists like the Bible is to Christians, a fact you keep ignoring.
The Tao Te Ching can't be read literally, for several reasons. One, the Chinese language doesn't permit word for word translations. Two, the essence of Taoist philosophy is ambiguity, paradox, wordlessness.
We can't know what Lao Tzu thought. The Tao Te Ching encourages each individual to think for himself or herself. This is why Taoism is so iconoclastic and non-dogmatic.
I've concluded that you have no interest in truly understanding Taoism, just George's conception of Taoism. Sadly, this means that you will never grasp a fascinating philosophy which, if you opened your mind to it, would offer you a fresh viewpoint on reality.
Posted by: Brian | July 13, 2009 at 12:12 PM
That video was hysterical!! (I liked it so much I played it back 3 times). And the reason me thinks it was so damn funny is because it's so darn true.
Posted by: The Rambling Taoist | July 13, 2009 at 09:20 PM