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July 25, 2009


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Watched one more of Christina's videos. She explains why she hates religion. And shows off her charm and beauty to an even greater extent.

god, she's a bundle of happiness.

like most of the eastern europeans great to look at, but you'd need to detonate a nuke under her arse to reveal any signs of life.

Brian, do we really need some tramp with big tits lecturing us on what is common knowledge? As for the feminists, good god, your oregon ass could be in a sling...

TawdryAunty, I think you need to have your bifocal prescription checked. Christina looks wonderfully lively to me.

And I wouldn't say she has big tits. But maybe you had your nose closer to the computer screen than I did.

"Tramp?" Gosh, that's no way to speak about a married woman who speaks her mind. You'd better watch out for feminist outrage yourself.

Along that line, I'm married to a feminist. Who also looks damn good. Laurel enjoyed the video as much as I did. Maybe you have different sorts of feminists where you live. Here in Oregon, ours are pretty damn full of life and humor.

Thanks for sharing the video Brian! Wow just loved the way she speaks her mind with sarcasm.

TawdyAunty, you really have a sick mind. Why do you think she is a tramp. Oh wait, she doesn't believe in God !

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