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May 28, 2009


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Your post indicates a clear Mastery of Duhism... which is not something I would put on a resume, if I were you (and I'm the Founder of Duhism!).

Remember that mastering Duhism guarantees you a rebirth in Newark, NJ... so do with that what you will.

In Balance/Schmalance,
Bob Tzu

Bob, I'm thrilled to get a blog comment from the founder of a non-major, and indeed virtually irrelevant, faith. The fact that you have taken time from your spiritual pursuits to read my blog post says a lot about you.

Nothing much good, of course, but that's in keeping with the goal of Duhism. Which I don't really understand, aside from laughing. (My lack of understanding likely points to a profound unrealized wisdom that is, nonetheless, my most prized possession).

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