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May 26, 2009


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Yes, I very much like Nagarjuna.

I have some of his excellent works in my library, such as:

"Nagarjuna's Philosophy as presented in The Maha-Prajnaparamita-Sastra", publidhed by Bharatiya Vidya Prakashan, Varanasi, 1971.

Speaking of reflections...

The Tenth Man:

There were ten monks travelling together from one master to another in search of enightenment they had failed to obtain. Crossing a river in a flood they were separated by the swift current, and when they reached the other shore they reassembled and one monk counted the others to make sure that all were safely across. To his dismay he was only able to count nine brothers.

Each in turn counted the others, and each could only count nine. As they were crying and wailing about their drowned brother a passing traveller on his way to a nearby town asked what their trouble was. After counting them he assured the monks that all ten were present. But each counted again only nine and the traveller, being unable to persuade them, shrugged his shoulders and went on his way shaking his head.

Then one monk went to the river-side in order to wash his tear-stained face. As he leaned over a rock above a clear, deep pool he was startled and ran back to his brothers to announce that he had found their drowned companion. So, each in turn went over to the rock and looked into the depths of the pool.

When all had seen their drowned brother, who, due to the depth of the pool they could not reach, they celebrated a funeral in his memory.

The passing traveller, returning from the town, asked them what they were doing and when told, he pointed out and assured them that since each had celebrated his own decease and since all had celebrated the decease of each, they were one and all truly dead. On learning this each monk was instantly awakened, and ten fully enlightened monks returned to their monastery to the great delight of their grandmotherly old master.

Each monk had discovered the open secret..

The Tenth Man is the only man: there is no other.


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