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April 25, 2009


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Hi Brian,

These lines are from Thich Nhat Hanh's book
(I think the book's name is No death No fear)

"Our greatest fear is that when we die we will become nothing. Many of us believe that our entire existence is only a life span beginning the moment we are born or conceived and ending the moment we die. We believe that we are born from nothing and when we die we become nothing"

He is a champion of mindfulness, awareness of NOW. Why is he talking about birth and death? Other religions have different theories of life after death. With my limited knowledge I don't understand why a person, whose spiritual path is mindfulness, talks about such concepts.


you got it

xyz, I'd say the reason is that Buddhism isn't only a philosophy of mindfulness, but also a religion -- complete with some unproven metaphysical dogmas.

First thing that came to my mind, looking at the cartoon, was that Walter was enjoying the view,...

This reminds me of a Netflix we watched last night. It was originally on NOVA in 2005, but I never seem to check TV often enough to catch these things. Anyway it was 'Newton's Dark Secrets' and about the explorations of that man's mind where he didn't fear looking into the void and seeing what was there. Fascinating documentary if you haven't already seen it. It's not about spirituality so much as about being willing to look where others are not-- and even more willing to draw conclusions with which others will disagree. When you gaze over the edge of reality who knows but what true reality is what you are seeing...


All Church of the Churchless readers who want to access the MOST UP-TO-DATE INFO on the new emerging SWINE FLU Epidemic and Crisis, learn what is actually really going on in Mexico (now out of control and in emergency lock-down) and in the USA and Canada (spreading rapidly), its origins, how extensive and serious it is, the areas that it has already spread to, and all the additional serious ramifications (including the now immanent US government plans for emergency Martial Law in the USA)...

Go immediately to: http://www.infowars.com and listen to the Alex Jones Infowars.com Sunday Show SPECIAL REPORT about the Swine Flu Crisis - the now rapidly exploding global fatal Swine Flu epidemic (also read the breaking news reports and other media articles):

INFOWARS.COM - Main Homepage:

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Prisonplanet.com - additional news articles and archives website:


All Church of the Churchless readers who want to access the MOST UP-TO-DATE INFO on the new emerging SWINE FLU Epidemic and Crisis, learn what is actually really going on in Mexico (now out of control and in emergency lock-down) and in the USA and Canada (spreading rapidly), its origins, how extensive and serious it is, the areas that it has already spread to, and all the additional serious ramifications (including the now immanent US government plans for emergency Martial Law in the USA)...

Go immediately to: http://www.infowars.com and listen to the Alex Jones Infowars.com Sunday Show SPECIAL REPORT about the Swine Flu Crisis - the now rapidly exploding global fatal Swine Flu epidemic (also read the breaking news reports and other media articles):

INFOWARS.COM - Main Homepage:

Listen with Windows Media Player:

Listen with Real Player:

Complete Audio Options Page:

Prisonplanet.com - additional news articles and archives website:

A question for readers (and bloggers) who practiced Sant Mat but did not find there was any light/sound or magical fairyland worlds in meditation - how diligent was your practice? Did you meditate the required 2-3 hours a day (if this is even possible without sitting in cave eating moss all day)

By the way, you guys will find this one funny


Another Sant Mat guru - but check out the prohibition 19 "Contact with a traitor of Guru"

your comment on Hahn does not point out a contradiction at all:
the comment of his you quoted is a perfect example of mindfulness--being aware of and knowing a human fear, not laying claim to whether this belief about birth and death is right or wrong.

Smack Dat, I sure did put in the full 2.5 hours of meditation for many years, 10 or 15. My practice was very diligent. But no light or sound.

Thanks for the link with all the prohibitions. It sounds like any guru-follower who visits this blog is doomed to wander in the labyrinth of 8,400,000 species for countless incarnations.

Oh, well. Nobody said surfing the Internet didn't have some risks.

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