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April 23, 2009


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If OneTaste sounded interesting to you, have you ever heard of LoveTribe in Portland?

No, I know nothing of LoveTribe. What are they about?

"Orgasmic meditation is a technique that develops mindfulness, concentration, connectedness and insight in a paired practice that focuses on sensation generated through manual stimulation of the genitals. Core orgasmic meditation techniques are simple forms within a timed framework that allow practitioners to extend the deep interior states associated with meditation into the arena of human connection. This can facilitate greater physical and mental health, deeper connection to relationship and for some, a method for spiritual aims."

---Well, this above statement made me laugh. Nothing wrong with sex or meditation, however, the above discussion seems so silly. That's my opinion.
---Ok, I'm trying to picture, in my mind: a technique that develops mindfulness, concentration, connectedness and insight in a paired practice that focuses on sensation generated through manual stimulation of the genitals.
---Is it really true, that "simple forms within a timed framework" allow practitioners to extend the deep interior states associated with meditation?
---Anyone know what an "interior state" is?
---While I'm giggling, what are the "simple forms" found within a timed framework?

I can see the value in physical techniques in non-sexual sensuality. The techniques in paired sexuality, I already have experience.

Roger, you must be doing something wrong, or not enough of it, or you'd be enlightened by now. Tell your partner, "We have to redouble our orgasmic efforts...to save my (possibly existent) soul."


I agree, I'm doing something wrong. However, I'm giggling a lot, right now, so maybe that's kinda healthy.

Well, I think I finally understand what "pigfuck" means.

Pigfuck - when 2 pigs engage in a technique that develops mindfulness, concentration, connectedness and insight in a paired practice that focuses on sensation generated through simple forms within a timed framework.

I can only thank God, for a new word placed in my list of vocabulary.


Baba Faqir Chand threw himself in Sadhana and gave as much time as possible to inward practice and led a life of COMPLETE CELIBACY. The sincere effort to know the truth bore fruit and in course of time Baba Faqir Chand ascended all the inner stages and experienced the relative lights and sounds at each stage of the inward path.

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