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February 09, 2009


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I received the 10 v. Westminster Pulpit of G. Campbell Morgan for Christmas and my New Year's resolution was to read a chapter (sermon) a day. Love it. Most Christian contemporary writing is so dull, or so anecdotal, or so bewildering, this is just a joy. He preached 100 years ago, but so far, I haven't found much that has changed. I also enjoy reading Luther. Your style seems to be one of wandering and questioning. I prefer someone a bit more secure. But I'll look around.



Robert Paul Howard


Your link caused my pc to lock up. Are you experiencing this too?


Dear Roger,

No. The pc I am presently using took me to the Morgan bibliography site - albeit somewhat slowly.

Robert Paul Howard

Les Visible speaks... and you can (and you should) listen here:

Nov. 23, 2008 radio show:


Jan. 25, 2009 radio show (the most recent show):


Index of archived mp3 audio files of past shows:


Visible's Blogs:

Visible Origami


Smoking Mirrors


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