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December 25, 2008


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Ho Ho Ho... and a very Merry Cosmos to you too Brian !

Nil is sure: beholding is utter splendor.

Naked reality is difficult to see in the ordinary. It's an addiction to search for ourselves and a release as we come to see ourselves in the mundane. It is this innocent beholding that seats us back in the ground of our own being. I don't know why this release is felt as sacred but this seems to be the primary motivator in why I seek release from mental and physical fixations. Such beholding must resonate deeply across both the rational and experiential worlds as there is no means by which "it" can be understood. In awe, and perhaps through need, the tears flow.

It is beautiful. I wish such beauty were more evident in the ordinary too.

Mysticism and spirituality, when shorn of fundamentalism, can have the same commitment to understanding naked reality.

Seek the center. Our galaxy has one. Each of us does. Is there anything more satisfying to do?

We can grasp a piece of "spirituality" same as we can take a literal ride on a Saturn ring. Spirituality = "The Church of the Churched."

“When a quiet little child, I was dwelling In the House of my Father's Kingdom, And in the wealth and the glories Of my Upbringers I was delighting . . .”

There is no explanation for my extraordinary mental condition. I am always conscious of a luminous glow not only in my interior, but pervading the whole field of my vision during the hours of my wakefulness.

I literally live in a world of light. It is as if a light were burning in my interior, filling me with a luster so beautiful and so ravishing that my attention is again and again drawn towards it. In fact, it is the normal state of my perception now. Light, both within and without, and a distinct music in my ears, are the two prominent features of my transformed being. "


you can pay me later....

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