Thanks to Pharyngula, I learned about a Pray for McCain-Palin web site, which I was pleased to visit, adding my voice to a poll about whether McCain's pick of Palin made me more or less likely to vote for him.
I'm totally supportive of this site. It's hard to think of anyone who needs prayer more than John McCain and Sarah Palin. (Proof, here and here.)
In case you're not sure about how to pray, the site provides some helpful specific prayer requests. My favorite is:
Pray for the peace of mind of the candidates & their families and that they will be able to weather Satan's attacks
Why, what could they mean by this? Hmmmm, maybe this.
Well, I see this as a lot more Satanic. Maybe McCain and Palin need to look at their own campaign rallies for evidence of Satan's attacks.
What is interesting to me is that both sides are absolutely convinced that the other side is lying and distorting the facts, and that their side doesn't do it!! How can anyone take this stuff seriously?
Yes, who becomes president is "serious", but the process is a joke, a farce. The campaigns, debates, rhetorical speeches, the corrupt media, the hate-filled blogs, and so on, are absurd. It's a carnival of BS.
For better or worse, Obama has always seemed to be a man of destiny to me. Why? I don't know. The reason will become clear over the next few years. The U.S. is in for some fundamental changes, I think, and I don't believe the Founding Fathers would be pleased with the structure of this new America. However, conditions exist today that they couldn't have foreseen and what must be, will be.
Posted by: tucson | October 14, 2008 at 01:28 PM
Well unfortunately... that is not the way it is altogether.
McCain, and most especially Palin, have both been shown to be outright LIARS... in front of the world, on videotape, and for all to see.
Not so for Sen. Obama.
In addition to the video that Brian posted, The Rachel Maddow Show - MSNBC - Oct 10
...which clearly shows that these crazed McCain/Palin fanatics espouse outright lies, venemous hatred, and threats of violence and even death towards Sen. Obama... there is also the matter of just how utterly dirty and despicable both McCain and especially Palin really are.
Why? Because McCain and Palin have said and done virtually nothing to stop this hated and, worse, the death threats towards Sen Obama.
On the contrary, they have actually fueled fomented the fanatical hatred and threats towards Obama at their campaign rallies.
And not only that, but also here is a very revealing letter in The Baltimore Sun by Frank Schaeffer about the problem with McCain:
From: The Baltimore Sun
McCain's Attacks Fuel Dangerous Hatred
An Open Letter to John McCain
by Frank Schaeffer
Baltimore Sun
October 10, 2008,0,7557571.story
And also, here is a worthwhile video of Frank Schaffer reading his letter and discussing his feelings about McCain and Obama, with Amy Goodman on Democracy Now!:
Posted by: tAo | October 14, 2008 at 09:04 PM
It really is too bad how mc Cain and Palin react on Obama,it is something that even kids in school should not have this kind of behavier..
What to say about leaders!
Posted by: Sita | October 15, 2008 at 12:34 AM
I am glad you put this under spiritual because it is. I saw the tape where they compared Palin to today's Esther. Like where are Christians in this country being persecuted? That is a crazy analogy but wasn't to the ones thinking it. Heck I'd say she's more like Jezebel myself :)
There is a sickness in some of these people, anger, desire for revenge and they seem to not see it's hurting themselves as much as anyone. What they are putting out though is very scary.
I felt this way before when some of the far left would say threatening things about Bush. It's just wrong. Having lived through quite a few assassinations, I would like to think we have gone beyond that but these rallies with their stuffed animal expressions of their bigotry and stupidity show me we have not. I hope Obama has really good Secret Service around him. The country needs that.
Posted by: Rain | October 15, 2008 at 08:52 AM