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July 17, 2008


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YES! Wonderful, yes!

Nice post.

Yes, that's the essence of it for me also. At one time I did wrestle with the big questions, perhaps I will again, but the biggest mystery of all is that I am here, that I feel, that life exists at all. Live the moment because it is all we have or ever can have.

Yes indeed, now you're talkin Rain. Right on.

But just know that if you keep saying things like "Live the moment because it is all we have or ever can have", then you'll begin to sound rather much like me, and then someone will probabaly begin think that either you and I are conspiring, or worse that we are the same person.

But yeah, keep on living the moment, because it really is all we have or ever will have.

PS: I forgot to praise Brian's offering...

Great post Brian! Thanks.

It is interesting to me that the experience that nails you to the spot includes the predictive that you will die.

Of course that is true, but for me that would be a mental construct, which is like the difference between seeing a face and hearing a name. The face is riveting, the name is referential.

My daily life will bring some moment like the one you describe. But contra Rain and tAo, I do not have a present. I can give you what happened, and predict what will, I can't give you now. I guess I am not that guy.

Oh yes, being alive in this present moment is an extraordinary feeling; the wonder; the mystery; the fragility of the human being; soft organs working harmoniously with each other; a skeletal frame; arteries of rivers of red liquid; the brain atop it all, a stunningly amazing configuration. Who/what could have designed it?
Living in the present moment because that's all we have I find - to my mind - a little bit of a delusion. This fantastical feeling "I am alive now" is it seems to me to be constructed from information/data collected over decades of existence on this earth with this wealthy accumulation of knowledge being the trigger/mechanism bringing about this joyous feeling. What I am trying to say (and not very well) is, it is thought that has created it together with a state of physical wellbeing. There is a space or gap between the "I am alive now" state (which is conscious consciousness) and the essential, intrinsic self that simply is, that "knows" nothing - there is a place within our brain/mind of non-existing, cognisant of no knowledge.
Past, present and future I see as three leaping dots all dancing around each other with impossibility of staying still on one, each dependent upon the other. Living in this ecstatic present moment is surely completely contingent upon many factors all cohesed suitably together to bring about the delusion. Well you can say what does it matter, it seems real to me. But then subtract physical comfort, warm clothing, heated homes, well-fed bellies, survive in the bush eating roots, alone, would one be saying how marvellous it is to be alive - if so would that be a delusion?
Are there not other states of consciousness where this feeling we are discussing would have no ground? I think what I am trying to say is that this supreme feeling of awe of our existence is sort of, kind of a primal emotional response and does not reside simultaneously with the certain promise of eventual death ... unless thought is brought to bear.
Elizabeth W

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