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June 05, 2008


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very very nice post. I think in mainstream terminology this is close to what is called "self-empowerment" (a new-agey sounding term). You write very well about the subtle dance that happens with self. I have been out of sync for long stretches of time, and it can be very depressing to always do battle with oneself. And it can feel like a nice "balm on the soul" as I heard it put once, to come back into sync. yes, nice observations.

You Are What You Eat (according to Steiner)

Pulled this off a newsgroup I read each day.

"There is a story told in Spiritual Foundations for the Renewal of
Agriculture, the 1993 Creeger/Gardner translation of Rudolf Steiner's
1924 lectures on agriculture...the foundation of Biodynamics. E.E.
Pfeiffer, who later brought the techniques to the U.S., asked Steiner
a few months before the course, "How can it happen that the spiritual
impulse, and especially the inner guidance bear so little fruit? Why
do the people concerned give so little evidence of spiritual
experience, in spite of all their efforts? Why, worst of all, is the
will for action, for the carrying out of those spiritual impulses,
so weak?" I was particularly anxious to get an answer to the question
as to how one could build a bridge to active participation and the
carrying out of spiritual intentions without being pulled off the
right path by personal ambition, illusions and petty jealousies; for
these were the negative qualities Rudolf Steiner had named as the
main inner hindrances. Then came the surprising and thought-provoking
answer: "This is a problem of nutrition. Nutrition as it is today
does not supply the strength necessary for manifesting the spirit in
physical life. A bridge can no longer be built from thinking to will
and action. Food plants no longer contain the forces people need for

Randy wrote: "This is a problem of nutrition. Nutrition as it is today
does not supply the strength necessary for manifesting the spirit in
physical life. A bridge can no longer be built from thinking to will
and action. Food plants no longer contain the forces people need for

**Opinion: It is not a feat of strength. No matter how strong you are, how vital, you can't lift yourself off the ground. Nothing needs to change, be removed, stregthened or transformed. It is fully present in any circumstance. It is a matter of simple recognition rather than hurculean effort by the super-nourished. Think of this...many of the recognized sages throughout history have been rather weak and on marginal diets. Eat the best diet possible and enjoy good health, but you won't be any closer to what you seek than you would be on twinkies and whiskey.

So much attention is paid to the "I".. I must do this. I must eat that. I must struggle to acheive this. This is further absorbtion in the illusory ego structure, the only non-obstacle to recognition.

Type O:
Correction. I was relating a post from another site quoting Rudolf Steiner. I'm not worth quoting. But thanks.

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