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May 29, 2008


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...just a quick note to thank you for a wonderful, head-scratching, food-for-thought
post. I can't wait to snoop around your site
to read more...especially to find the name
of your book.

Long life pursuing the ridiculous!
Thanks again!

Louise Lewis, Author
No Experts Needed: The Meaning of Life According to You!
Get Free Copy at: www.noexpertsneeded.com

That I find meaning in a pattern does not imply that I have found THE meaning of all patterns.

Just like it takes some art appreciation to see what Dadaists are doing with art execution, so the meaning behind nihilism, which Burton finds amusing, is the still the finger pointing at the moon, not the moon.

It is not always an evasion to say, "the name that can be named is not the nameless" or, "we can not know the name of god," or, "any illustration of god is blasphemy."

There is no reason to be sure of anything. My certainty changes nothing of how I engage the world. Even being sure that I know nothing actually impedes my effective participation.

I have found that my life is none of my business. I get that there are (at least) two things going on: what I think is happening; and what is happening. These coincide most when I let the thinking happen, and give it the same valence as dreaming.

Edward writes:

"I have found that my life is none of my business."


I looked through the archives and found this old poem:

"Kami Gung-Ho"

Rely on this:
One thing
At one time.

Oh, exclude
Yes & No,
Exclude, oh…

Things that lead,
Things that stray,
Stay things
Winking on & off.

Energy/you, energy/you.

Crows on their feet
See the walking sky,

One once,
One once.

So, the meaning or purpose of existence may very well be completely in plain view, right here, amongst the ordinary everyday. This is it. All you get. Like some of the old Zen teachers say? No point in looking somewhere else. "Awakening" is just seeing...this computer screen (for example) in a new, truly open-minded way...eh?

P.S.: I had deja-vu reading Edward's comment. Very distinct. I wasn't sure I hadn't actually read it before until I checked the date on it, this being my first visit here in a week or so.
The poem I would dismiss, but because it begins "Rely on this:", I can't stop reading it.

A. Decker wrote...
> the meaning or purpose of existence may
> very well be completely in plain view,
> right here, amongst the ordinary everyday.
> This is it. All you get. Like some of the
> old Zen teachers say?

Not just "amongst" the ordinary everyday. Zen-style teaching is that the ordinary everyday (what you're perceiving and doing right now) IS Truth, Meaning, and Purpose.

> "Awakening" is just seeing...this computer
> screen (for example) in a new, truly open-
> minded way...eh?

Not in a new way, but in the way you're seeing the computer screen right now. It's already appeared.


Oops. In my June 01 comment above, I mistyped and wrote the opposite of what I intended. What I meant to say was this:

Zen-style teaching is that the ordinary everyday (what you're perceiving and doing right now) IS Truth, Meaning, and Purpose.

[Stuart, I've changed the June 1 comment to reflect this. --Brian]

I didn't see Brian's addition at the very bottom there, at first. I don't know how many times I went from the June 1 to June 2 "versions" trying to discern the difference. I had just about decided Stuart was playing some nouveau zen trick on me when I happened to scroll down a little further, and saw Brian's note.

Sometimes the universe is fun, just because.

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