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March 12, 2008


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Yet again another great post. The whole santa clause explanation will help those yet to awaken to the reality of things. I like you have turned away from my old ways of believing only to find a deeper form of self. One in which has no boundaries, its like a freedom from the confines of control. I can recall all my past spiritual experiences and even tho i dont keep up with that system of belief it still had its necessary effect on who iam. Part of my awakening came from the constant do's and do not's. One church telling me this the way it is and everyone else is gonna burn. Or those damn baptist ...as if anyone has the true answer and as if God would condemn those who never understood. Those people in constant fear of what is not there. There mind makes it so. It was almost like they were competing for attendance or the mighty dollar. Almost as if they needed all these people to belief the way they do in order for them to have confidence in there own beliefs themselves. Constantly trying to convert but that is not the way. One can only explain there own spirituality and hope others my see were you are coming from so that it my awaken that which has been within them all along. To coexist with the source of all things. To evolve to a higher state of awareness a higher state of being. Thus restoring balance with the great mother through growth and understanding.

Very well put. Thanks Brian.


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