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February 29, 2008


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"Mysteries should remain mysterious. Until they're not."

Brian, I think this is the thought most responsible for your break with RSSB...am I right?

Yeahhhh...sigh...it's a beautiful painful strange experience..life..amazingly amazing.

Adam. a belated reply. Yes, you're probably right. I say "probably," because I'm not sure about anything these days.

It seems to me that religions are big on explaining away mystery. And not in a convincing fashion.

Mysteries draw us to try to fathom them. Or, to stand back and marvel at their unfathomability.

Premature explanation creates complacency and de-marveling. I came to see that RSSB did this just as much as traditional religions.

Genuine mysticism is, well, mystical. Hidden. Dark. Mysterious. It's a leap into the unknown, not a clinging to beliefs about what lies beyond the darkness.

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