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December 23, 2007


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Dear Brian,
Conversing in a blog like this is not just cool. It is a catharsis for a frustrated satsangi like me who has company.
Honestly, I like people who are honest about their frustration. I am tired of the hyprocrites who pretend to be know-alls. Most of us are all tired of this, especially with the RSSB background that we share.
Then, that is the way it is. Perhaps I have a new theology. Only the honest souls who comprise 10 percent will enter sach khand. The remaining 90 percent hypocrite souls are destined to wander in the cycle of birth and death.
And Church of Churchless visitors will be the first to sit on Satpurush's lap in Anami. Let's start a new cult and you be the Guru. I promise I will sing shabd for you if Tao is the satsang speaker.

Dear Deepak,

If successful in establishing your new cult, please exclude me from it.

Robert Paul Howard

Sorry, I am satsang-less, and so I don't do satsang talks or guru-cults.

A sublime example was Sri Ramana Maharshi who indicated that the purest expression of truth is in silence.

I also am not "frustrated", and honestly I don't at all subscribe to the "sach khand" concept either.

To Tao,
Even I don't believe in Sach Khand concept. But I find it amusing, especially the concept of souls dancing to the tune of shabd in the inner region. I wonder how the formless soul can ever dance. Maybe it is like the Casper ghost dancing to the Pipes. Whoever conceptualised Sant Mat must be a highly imaginative man.
To Robert Paul Horward
There is no question of exclusion or inclusion in my cult. It is only for the marked souls who will be dragged by bulldozers if they refuse to come. The unmarked souls can only pray for better luck in the next life or for grace from my successor.


Even your "new theology" is based on Sant Mat concepts.

BTW, who is the big daddy that determines if the souls are "honest".

What crap..all of it!

Deepak is just joking as I see it,so...

Bob, if anybody agrees with me, he is honest. IF he does not, he is dishonest. As simple as that. This is the way it is in all cults.

To Deepak and readers,

Better to lose and forget all those nonsense Memes, and just be a Bright.

What is a Bright?

A bright is a person who has a naturalistic world-view. A bright's world-view is free of supernatural and mystical elements. The world-view of a bright is free of supernatural or mystical deities, forces, and entities. The ethics and actions of a bright are based on a naturalistic worldview.

Be really really bright... and join with the Brights:






To Deepak and readers,

Better to lose and forget all those nonsense Memes, and just be a Bright.

What is a Bright?

A bright is a person who has a naturalistic world-view. A bright's world-view is free of supernatural and mystical elements. The world-view of a bright is free of supernatural or mystical deities, forces, and entities. The ethics and actions of a bright are based on a naturalistic worldview.

Be really really bright... and join with the Brights:



Dear tAo,

Thanx for the above links which provide an excellent account of brights.

with regards,

To Tao & Other Churchless,

I went through your Bright links. I am sorry. I am not Bright. Though I am an ex-satsangi, I have a strong belief (curiousity) in astrology. I know horoscope and palmistry and constantly checkup with astrologers/tantriks in my area. What is life without supernaturals? Dull, boring, repititive, monotonous...

As I am an ex-satsangi with a strong belief (curiousity) in astrology, I would like to know if there are any other like me. I didn't find one in my area. (In my area, I am the only ex-satsangi). Just want to find out if there is any other or am I the only one. Besides these two above mentioned abnormalities, I am quite normal.
Since I know palmistry, horoscope, face-reading. I would like to meet someone who knows crystal gazing and other superstitions.

By the way, does anybody know Charan's or Gurinder's horoscope? I have heard that even Sawan Singh consulted an astrologer for Charan's marriage.

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