Last year I thought I'd said about all there was for to me say about "Who should I thank on Thanksgiving?"
Existence. You can't get down to a deeper level of thankfulness than that.
I am. Oh yes. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
If I wasn't, there'd be no thanking. Or anything else.
Well, there's always something more to say. Just not a whole lot. About thankfulness. Right now.
Yesterday I was given some notes that described recent talks given by the current guru of Radha Soami Satsang Beas, Gurinder Singh.
Glancing through them I was struck by a question and answer about thanking.
Someone got up and thanked the organizers who made it possible for the meeting to be held. The guru reportedly said:
You will be doing them a disservice by thanking them.
I thought, "how sad." Religions end up with so many ridiculous rules and restrictions.
In an effort to crush the ego and become a selfless servant (of God, the guru, whoever), disciples are being asked to give up normal human niceties.
"Thank you." What's wrong with saying that?
Beats me, as I said last month in "RSSB's strange fear of praise."
We shouldn't be shy about expressing our thankfulness.
To other people. To existence. To anyone or anything else.
Tomorrow, like every day, is a time for Thanksgiving.
A holiday basketful of thanks for putting up with all my usual knarly comments.
And NO thanks to that sad excuse of a santly guru.
Posted by: tAo | November 21, 2007 at 07:16 PM
Thanks to this blog that many have been able to get out of the unrealistic thought patterns of RSSB. Supply us more vignettes of RSSB patterns.
Posted by: Deepak | November 21, 2007 at 07:24 PM
Personally, I think it feeds the "spiritual" ego to go around pretending that one doesn't need a thank you or kind word every now and then.
When is RSSB going to accept the fact that it's members are, after all, plainly human?
Posted by: Bob | November 22, 2007 at 07:17 AM
We are not human. We come from Sach Khand. And we are going back there.
Posted by: Deepak | November 22, 2007 at 07:48 PM
Anami Purush is waiting for u. Bob
Posted by: Deepak | November 22, 2007 at 07:49 PM
And in case u r not coming, you will be dragged with a bulldozer.
Posted by: Deepak | November 22, 2007 at 07:53 PM
Dear Sir,
Those who have been associated with RSSB know it pretty well that question- answer session is of a long duration.
One single answer "You will be doing them a disservice by thanking them." by Gurinder Singh should not be seen in isolation. It is the tone of the answer. Most of the replies are accompanied by a thunder of laughter.
Even a simpleton will not like the above reply given by Gurinder Singh.
Needless to say that human beings can not be inhumane.
As compared to other topics on this blog, this one stands nowhere. I am of the opinion that better topics may be chosen for discussion on this blog.
Posted by: Rakesh Bhasin | November 23, 2007 at 05:18 PM
Needless to say that some human beings can be quite inhumane.
Robert Paul Howard
Posted by: Robert Paul Howard | November 24, 2007 at 06:51 AM
You are right... you are not human, you're a guru-cult goon who babbles inane threats derived from inane RS religious dogma.
Now as regards the subject of thanksgiving and being thankful, I have this to say to those who think the subject of gratitude is not important:
Gratitude is very important... but not misplaced gratitude given to those who do not deserve any - such as these fraudulent RS gurus who are glad to TAKE and RECEIVE, but who GIVE nothing. Gratitude ahould be given only to those who have truly given and helped us in our lives, such as our mother and father, our friends who have been there when we really needed them, and also those special mentors who have taught us to think independently for ourselves and to have Heart. To these ones we should be thankful and grateful.
But NO thanks need be given to the fake, false, and fraudulent gurus who gladly take seekers (and sucker's) donation money, but who in fact give absolutely noting to the follower besides mere empty words, illusions, and fantasies.
Posted by: tAo | November 24, 2007 at 02:33 PM
Dear Brian,
I read few postings of you.They look interesting,your thoughts look rational.But I couldn't understand why it took such a long time,many years,for you to come to this view on RSSB.
Posted by: ryerneni | November 26, 2007 at 05:11 AM