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November 09, 2007


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“It has become painfully, lethally obvious in the age of George W. Bush and authoritarian groupthink that our major religious systems and foundations don't know how to move. They don't learn, adjust, evolve, see things anew. They don't know how to dance. And what's more, this little problem might just be the death of us all.”

Very well stated. It just may be in the cards for Americans to experience fascism to fully learn to dance. What looks bad may actually be good and what looks good may actually be bad. Learn, adjust, evolve, see things anew from my point of view this is soul evolution defined.

As the decline of wealth engulfs America this will have a profound affect on our government and religious institutions. People in America are ready for spiritual experiences and what they get at these new soulless corporations is greed is good and what they get at their places of worship is sermons based on dogma and fear and sin and judgment and guilt. Guilt interesting enough is a major ego trip. Many people tithe to have heaps of guilt put upon them.

Just today at my energy tai chi class people were dancing around the room and loving it. Then we all stood in a circle and laughed at one another. People pay good money to do this. Emmanuel’s book one ends the book by stating “lets dance”. Emmanuel’s book is the first place I read the words “perfectly imperfect” over 16 years ago.

It amazes me that this very day for the first time at my tai chi class people were dancing around the room in a free style dance and this very night Brian posts on his blog about lets dance. There appears to be more to this universe than meets the eye.

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