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May 27, 2007


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So here is a story from Rumi to fill the empty space up to ."

The Sunrise Ruby

In the early morning hour,
Just before dawn
Lover and beloved wake
and take a drink of water.

She asks ”Do you love me or yourself more?
Really, tell the absolute truth.”

He says, “ There’s nothing left of me.
I’m like a ruby held up to sunrise.
Is it still a stone, or a world
made of redness? It has no resistance
to sunlight.”

This is how Hallaj said, I am God,
and told the truth!

The Ruby and the sunrise are one.
Be courageous and discipline yourself.

Completely become hearing and ear,
And wear this sun-ruby as an earring.

Work. Keep digging your well.
Don’t think about getting off work.
Water is there somewhere.

Submit to a daily practice.
Your loyalty to that
is a ring of the door.

Keep knocking, and the joy inside
will eventually open a window
and look out to see who’s there.

Peace to all

Can't help thinking of REM's,' losing my religion'... but identity- does one ever lose it completely? Recently I have become interested in mine.

Aya Kemma (an Australian Buddhist Nun- labelled!)was asked if she had difficulty letting go of men. She answered,'No, there are plenty of men around all the time (monks), but I have difficulty letting go of my opinions, views, comments, judgements and pre-conceptions ( and the similar rest that you listed above).' When I heard her say this I was about 21 yrs old and was thrown into a quandry, because my work involved doing just that.

I like the idea of wild mystics roaming, but not crazed ones. If you're game spotting, the visible wild roaming ones water down in Rishikesh, but a first hand experience of a wild mystic 'roaming'around in my lounge gave me the prim notion that that's just self-indulgence. Trouble is, a nervous breakdown would look very similar. I also saw a girl I knew when I was a student leaping in ecstacy down a pathway (her shapely leg was 'inadvertently' shooting out with each leap between the thigh high slit in her skirt and she was shouting out loudly, ' I am in love! I am in love with Jesus!' Any takers?

Good to hear that Hans was your philisophical partner during this discussion. That ' Am I still a satsangi?' is a kick-off to a great coffee house conversation. One such discussion in a coffee house ended up with people walking out, and the discussion being labelled an 'altercation'(confrontation).

Well there's my comment, criticism etc.!

Good parables. Maybe the link is in transitioning from the training wheels of the yeshiva to the Harley of the Zohar. I am only dissatisfied by insufficient knowledge when I know enough to know I know too little.

By setting up a hierarchy of spiritual achievement, organized religions exploit the axiom that "the power of persuasion is no match for anticipation." After the snapshot comes the seduction, and the poet moves to a very different yoga. As should we.

Gosh, kindergarten teachers must think I'm an idiot. I know how to read! Why do they keep teaching reading?

Brian, as a disbeliever of anything smacking of religion/spiritual "faiths", would like to say thst in the years I studied RSSB prior to initiation, what eventually "got" to me was the Sound Current (call it what you like but not tinnitus). When reading about it I simply thought this was a nebulous kind of thing with no grounding in reality, just something dreamed up by so-called mystics.
But then one day at the office I suddenly heard it. And applied for initiation! there and then. It felt st the time like going into a laboratory & obtaining the desired result. Empirical, scientific evidence.
I was overjoyed. Here it was. Wow. You speak very little about this, Brian. I do know from direct experience (whatever the cause) that this sound has the power to withdraw one's consciousness to a different level. It all may simply be some neuron acting in a certain way on command from the hqs of the brain. I don't know. No, I'm not a satsangi any longer in a sense (how I loathe labels), do not attend satsangs now but do "know" the pulling strength and power of that sound.
In the RSSB teachings there was much emphasis on not discussing this sound and even now I find hesitation within myself
which seems to come without volition so that I refrain somewhat in my deliberation.
Whatever, Brian, your writing as ever sre superb.

Elizabeth W,

As I said in my previous comment under another post, at this point I kind of hesitate to make comments in this blog anymore, probably due to the rather poor reception that I've had here in the past. And thats funny in so much as how I am hardly ever at odds with what Brian has to say, yet I am the one that most often gets criticised and bashed for being more or less in sympathy and agreement with him. It must be that some people, in their spiritual immaturities, need some villian to blame.

That being said, I would like to express my thoughts about some of your statements.

You wrote:
"...in the years I studied RSSB prior to initiation, what eventually "got" to me was the Sound Current (call it what you like but not tinnitus)."

Why not call it a possible form of tinnitus? I know of that which you speak, but there is nothing to prove that it is anything beyond a neurological phenomena.

"But then one day at the office I suddenly heard it. And applied for initiation! there and then."

So you had an experience that you assumed validated that which you had been lead to believe by Santmat literature. And you bought into the belief system.

"It felt at the time like going into a laboratory & obtaining the desired result. Empirical, scientific evidence."

I am sorry to inform you, but a mere subjective internal sense perception is hardly any "empirical scientific evidence".

"I do know from direct experience (whatever the cause) that this sound has the power to withdraw one's consciousness to a different level."

That is but your subjective experience and perception, and presumed result. Even if the so-called "level" of your consciousness seemed somehow related to, and affected by, this perceived sound, it does not represent anyhing beyond a perceptual phenomenon.

"I'm not a satsangi any longer .... but do "know" the pulling strength and power of that sound."

Again, your presumption that an internally perceived "sound" is by no means representative of any sort of real spiritual growth or implicit awakening.

"In the RSSB teachings there was much emphasis on not discussing this sound and even now I find hesitation within myself ... so that I refrain somewhat in my deliberation."

Well this inhibition and reluctance certainly seems indicative of your still being more or less under the spell or under the artificially imposed mindset and belief system that you had acquired from Santmat and its spiritual cult dogma.

Even though it may seem to you to be a natural response to hesitate, you would be wiser to overcome that and to free youself from such subtle influences.

You are a sovereign being and you should not feel mentally or emotionally inhibited in your questioning or consideration of your experiences, or from the expressing of your thoughts and/or experiences.

Tao, your effort is worthwhile and appreciated. Thank you.

Elizabeth, the fact that a person can hear an extra-ordinary sound does not mean that they should buy into the first belief system they come across(as Tao rightly puts it)just because it mentions a sound current. Sant Mat is based entirely on faith that the RSSB guru is the highest manifestation of human consciousness (despite what he so charmingly and self-effacingly says) and that he is able in his radiant form to lead initiates through all the music imbued regions that exist which in SM theology is only 5 with the Guru and 2 further on. Initiation is believed to be powered by the guru with 5 super-charged names. Initiates are chosen.
Do the RSSB gurus have this power? This is the critical point. If not, their role is merely for social upliftment and their considerable power is similar to that of figures in pop, politics and royalty. The unclear succession lines of so many Sant Mat gurus from Shiv Dayal, and the fact that we don't know S. Dayal's predecessor, is for starters, well worth giving some consideration.


I apologize for not commenting on anything in particualr to this post.

I wanted to make amends to you for being inconsiderate, selfish, fearful and dishonest for a previous post. I was judging you and I was wrong.


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