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April 28, 2007


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What is the feeling when I take off my hat and later, still feel that I am wearing a hat? "I love that chair," says I imbue that chair with a recognition of basic living; "I miss that old chair," says it is part of the soul.

Soul is the action of our connection to inanimate objects, for pity's sake, or we would have no opinion on how to choose between two paths, books, shirts, shoes, people. Personality is the table of contents, ego is the end papers and leather binding, but soul is how the book fits in my hand when I carry it.

Yikes! The newborn already has all the stimuli and intention of its parents and environment. It is already reacting and acting within the deeply connected life creating it. Hofstadter misses that creation never stops: "No one started out in that brain," indeed - not one thing. The ten-thousand things started out in that brain.

Just because old conceptions of soul exist does not mean they are the only ones. All psychology is the study of soul. Read James Hillman. You've read Eckhart, he says more than once the complete connection we all have is via soul to the one soul.

Soul only separates when that is what soul wants. Even when I need to concentrate and get my monthly report done, I find myself balled up in blankets with a bag of chocolates listening to old R&B. News flash: I can be an intellectual and live my life at the same time.

And I have to return to my insistence that soul is as provable as anger or love. I see only actions, you can not show me your feelings or prove that they are real. The idea that soul doesn't exist because no one can prove it applies as well to emotions. When you are ready to supply that argument, I will happily read it.

The old argument surfaces again.
This one dates back at least as far as the Upanisadic teachers verses the Buddha ie. an inner, permanent, and divine reality caled the "Self" (Atman) verses the Buddha's third characteristic of existance that rejects any such permanent Self. He is reported in many of the early texts to have taught that all phenomena lack any underlying and permanent substance: they all have the characteristic of "no-self".(Anguttara- nikaya,III, 134). This also can be taken to mean that within human nature, there is no permanent self or soul (anatman:Pali anatta).
An old book (1979) by Ken Wilber "No Boundary" covers much the same ground from a western psychological perspective and this is possibly where more contemporary writers on the subject are coming from, certainly the feelings of Derik Parfit quoted in Brian's blog sit well with Wilber's own discovery of how life is once all boundaries are realised to be illusory.

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