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April 02, 2007


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Yes Puppetji is very fine!
And wise too and funny!
I'm gonna Love Him!

Cute. A wise old caucasian man with a long white beard. Kooky!

And my ego is the bad guy again! My ego loves this, off in the corner, sniffling and dreaming of ice cream.

Me: "Yes! Desire is suffering! Just being Love will allow me to bypass the stupidity of my former struggles."

Ego: "I can easily match my syntactical ability to the Puppetji creator's dialectic! And that puppet has a wart. A wart! Ha Ha! How juvenile and simplistic compared to my understanding of philosophy. I am clearly better!"

Elves: "Whatdaya call them? Oh, Christmas lights. Great wart."

I'm loving this Sant.

Indeed, I find him darn socksuwool.



Honestly, it's rather sad that we live in a world where a puppet makes more sense than the worlds largest religious leaders & the people that follow them?

Jeez, I think the laughter's turned to tears for me just now.....

This is a good puppet. Almost enough to make me want to take up ventriloquism again.

That was great! Very wise words indeed.

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