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September 23, 2006


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It would be unnecessary to teach 8-year-olds the handling of weapons, when that is the easy part. What needs to be taught is deference to some higher authority, which can always, via a a play of substitution, later be understood to have temporal ministers who channel its will. What needs to be taught is the bliss of unreasoning surrender. I've not seen the film, so this is not directed toward it, but goes to why I agree with you that it is "still scary."

Then they move on to Jesus College; Patrick Henry College.

I don't think our media have the nerve to give them much scrutiny. I first became aware of this travesty while on a business trip overseas.

We do have the "Battle Hymn of the Republic," too. I have lived my entire life dreading that the trigger word would be whispered and I would fall in behind his truth, marching on. Scary is not the word.

RE: More on the Jesus Camp video including Parody

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