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August 04, 2006


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I consider the infinite wilds to be the divine manuscript. I hold these wilds to be the only unbowdlerized copy we have of the Book that gives and sustains life.

I agree with that. I never found God in a church only in nature. Thanks for pointing out the book I plan to read later on. Right now have book coming to read.

The same abandonment to God's love is what I experience in the sharing of breath and water with the ten-thousand things. There is no part way in unconditional love, and accepting that means I remain present with the immediate world.

Although not as repulsed by organized religion as Duncan and many of the Churchless seem to be, I also find that the eternally created now is participatory. Which means complete abandonment to my life.

What a relief not to have to pick and choose which manifestation of creation I will love, (even those mean, mean fundamentalists!). Imagine that: unconditional love in awareness of the all-powerful creator.

And since I didn't have other plans...

Could you expand on the topic of: Complete abandonment to...? Sounds interesting, however, I do not understand what that means. Thanks for more info.
Best wishes to you.

Well, Roger, if you can read the postings on this blog, you probably understand the concept of spiritual abandon. So you are either being coy, or you are writing a book.

Regardless: sensate experience is reliably inefficient, memory is creative, and my ability to control my environment is not only minimal, but dependent. For purposes of this discussion, I will characterize driving at 75 mph in bumper-to-bumper traffic for an hour as abandonment to the world. I am trained to drive, but incapable of grasping the hive communication that is required of all of us on that road. The one in abandon is not capable of beating this heart, or secreting these hormones, which keeps me in communication with the other humans around.

If I am honest, I see that I have no idea what is going on, that my best guesses are silly conceits based on fantasy and pain. Yet, life goes on; I like it; and there is something non-entropic afoot. You, I, any of us can suppose that our personal mythology is correct, or that our clan has a unifying belief system. Experience has taught me to intend to do the next right thing, and then act. Just like driving at rush hour.

Although at first it seems like a lot of work, my daily life is filled with moments of giving up. Call it prayer, maybe, or mild shock therapy. All the while I’m accepting the unspeakable limitation; I am also respecting the special effects offered up by my brain. One act of faith is all it takes, that there is a power greater than me. Whatever that is, just beyond my ken? Let it have me.

Thanks for your reply. Am I writing a book? No, however thanks for the compliment. Am I being coy? Well, I do have a fascination with definitions. Is that ok? I hope so, it's a hobby of mine.

I attempted to look up "Spiritual Abandonment" on the Internet. Found no responses.

Is "Spiritual Abandonment" a personal idea or thought of your own? Do other groups of persons subscribe to this idea or thought?

Best wishes to you..........

Two different things:

"Spiritual abandonment" is the existential predicament that leads one to exclaim, "My God, My God, why have you forsaken me."

"Spiritual abandon" is just another linguistic compound, like "lascivious abandon" or "spiritual demands". I just found five references using a search engine.

As for others' subscription to spiritual abandon as an idea, I think a good collection of hagiographies, read successively, would condition the idea for you as fairly routine.

Anthony of Egypt comes to mind; Bodhidharma meditating in front of a wall for nine years fits the description as well as any dozen dervishes; Ida Scudder; Gerard Manley Hopkins, (on a terrible day); etc.

According to the literature, expertise in kung fu requires spiritual abandon. Find a few translations of that Chinese phrase to get the idea.

Thanks for your reply. Your reply was excellent. Thanks for helping me with new ideas and thoughts. Many best wishes to you.

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