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July 29, 2006


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Nice letter Brian!
Seems very true.

Even from a bhakti, one can become a doubter.
When ones own guru dies and one grows further in life and also spriritual, it can happen that drastically changes do happen.
Deep inside love stays.
But doubd can be very strong.
Maybe Madeleine is different now,I don't know,but it is possible.

Gregory Orr says:

When I open the book
I hear the poets whisper and weep,
Laugh and lament.

In a thousand languages
They say the same thing:
“We lived. The secret of life
is love, that casts its wing
over all suffering, that takes
in its arms the hurt child,
that rises green from the fallen seed.”

Separation is an illusion: you are already united with "it", all your love is already there.

This strikes me as beautiful...
Ohh if we could remember that always and ever then the suffering was not that much...

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