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March 02, 2006


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Yes Brain I agree. Every situation is situational. We don’t have problems, we have situations. We look at our situation and make an appropriate decision. The Supreme Father has created a grand game for us. We play the game and enjoy our adventure. Then in the end we all go home. Some take a different path - perhaps they take a little longer before they go home, but in the end we all go home. Outside of time there is no time. So what is the difference? Perhaps some have a grand time and others have a shitty time. That depends upon ones attitude. Sounds like you are having a grand time. Good for you.

Hi Brian

Vows are somewhat silly I think for grown-ups. It was impossible for me to understand (at the time took those vows) that I was not grown-up. Still, as I type this, I feel a childish thing in an old person's body.

I am still trying to see why I broke the vows exactly...hummmm...not my excuse (really) or rationalization and all that that comes with sorting through thoughts and picking one that makes me look good but the reason. I will let you know when I get older--smile--


You can see a history (and other works) about this painting here:


Near the bottom of that page.

I am still trying to see why I broke the vows exactly...hummmm...not my excuse (really) or rationalization and all that that comes with sorting through thoughts and picking one that makes me look good but the reason. I will let you know when I get older--smile--

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