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March 12, 2006


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Easy enough to see from my house, so here's a mirror,(this is so cool!): Consciousness/self-awareness; accepting what comes/gratitude; both pairs of warmers for the bi-cameral mind. The only way to have conversation about these is by keeping it simple.
Really odd, though - how is it that brain damage, medical instances, personality, etc. should be sign posts for the existance of soul? The curiosity about the subject is the evidence of soul... the conversation and the urge to share it is soul-full. And for all the years of meditating to pay off with a mossy log - thank you indeed!

A moss covered log is far more likely to bring peace than looking at Bush; no comparison. It is possibly even wiser or at least as wise.

I really think that worrying about death is a waste of life, not that I don't waste life time by worrying, but I mostly worry about illness, etc. There is a high possiblity that people who have experienced near death experiences are actually experiencing something more than a physical phenomena. If so, that evidence would suggest that there is nothing to fear in death, and that the Oneness is actually much less limited and better than life on earth.

Remember, "Small mind closes like a fist on the image of snakes, dancing a mysterious death dance in the deep" while "Big mind opens like blue sky, on Love's creation stories unfolding in the mirror". In other words, an enlightened mind can imagine that all life, even when it seems awful or meaningless, is creation unfolding, and from a higher perspective is likely perfect in some way.

Our life on earth is likely like a n instant in eternal time, so what would it matter if it is two days or 100 years?

Wise thoughts, Laurel. And I'd say that even if you weren't my wife. Intellectually, I agree with you. Emotionally, death still scares the living ____ out of me.

Also, thanks for pointing out Sunday's "Opus" comic strip to me. It indeed was right on with some of what I was talking about in this post. For those who didn't see it..

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