Today I stumbled onto Unusual Churches, which just added this here Church of the Churchless to its list of “weird, wacky, and funny churches one can find on the Internet.”
Hey! We’re not weird, wacky, or funny (well, maybe a little). This blog makes perfect sense, and to back that statement up I have endorsements on file from some wise people who know what they’re talking about. Namely, Me, Myself, and I.
I took a look at some of the many unusual churches listed on the site’s sidebar. I trusted that God was guiding my mouse-clicking and would lead me to sites I needed for my further spiritual evolution.
My first stop was The Church of the Gerbil. I must have needed a good laugh, because I was spellbound by The Satanic Hampster Dance. Realizing that the Great God Gerbil is to be worshipped, rather than understood, I brushed aside several questions: (1) Aren’t these things “hamsters,” not “hampsters”? and (2) Aren’t hamsters/hampsters different from gerbils?
[Note: The Satanic Hampster Dance is not to be confused with The Original Hampster Dance, even though it bears an uncanny resemblance to it and, predictably, stimulated a threat of legal action. Oh, why can’t Satanic Ham(p)sters and Original Ham(p)sters get along? We’re all the same under the skin, even if the skin of some of us is dripping blood and emblazoned with satanic symbols.]
Other unusual churches that caught my attention, if only for a nanosecond, were:
The Kick Ass, Post Apocalyptic, Doomsday Cult of Love
The Virtual Temple of the Invisible Pink Unicorn
Virtual Church of the Blind Chihuahua
Churchlite: A Church Without God
Jesus is my Red Pill
Church of Universal Eclectic Wicca
Last and most certainly least:
The Temple of George W. Bush
(which links to the wonderful Dear Leader’s Daily Thought)
Hi Brian, like your site and thought you may like this quote I heard recently:
'Without religion you'd have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion.'
-- Physicist and Nobel prizewinner Stephen Weinberg
Cheers and keep up the great site!
Posted by: Michael Wong | March 09, 2006 at 02:00 PM