One entirely reasonable solution to the seemingly insoluble religious, philosophical, and existential questions that boggle the mind is this: the entity with the mind that is being boggled doesn’t exist.
At least, not in the existent sense that we customarily consider ourselves to be enjoying (or more truly, as the Buddha taught, suffering). Over at The Huge Entity this week, Mr. Danieru is featuring musings on reasons why “you” don’t exist from what he calls “some of the most original minds in the blogosphere.”
I can’t disagree with that last statement, considering the gray matter inside my cranium is the home of one of those minds. My previous post, “Compared to the cosmos, you’re nothing,” is my contribution to The Huge Entity’s request for thoughts on this subject. (Hey, when a Huge Entity requests, I contribute).
Check out the four pieces that have been posted to date. They’re wonderfully diverse and stimulating. And return to The Huge Entity daily until you’ve read all of the contributions.
If neither I nor you exist, whew! That solves a lot of problems. Every problem, really. My big hope is that in actuality there’s no me that has big hopes.
Hmmmm..... if "you" don't exist....well then I guess you won't be needing any of "your" stuff anymore.... So I'll tell you what, since you used to be such a great guy before you ceased to exist, I would like to honor your memory.... So just kindly send ME the deed to your house, the keys to your car, and all the money in your bank account, and then you won't have to worry about not being there to take care of it.... I will see that it is put to good use.... I mean what are frinds for, if they can't help carry the burdens of those who don't exist? :-)
More about less existing:
Posted by: tao | February 09, 2006 at 01:42 PM
Thanks for the offer, Tao. You'll have to get in line behind my wife and daughter, though. Also, I need to emphasize that my hope is not to exist. Hope is different from reality.
I'm still very much existent, as evidenced by the panic "I" felt today when, after unplugging some satellite modem cables, "my" Internet connection stopped working. My anxiety feel quite existential. Now, after resetting the router, I'm back to my usual mildly-anxious normality.
Plus, I don't know if I'll know when I cease to exist. Logically, you'd think that I wouldn't. I mean, whenever I thought "I don't exist" that'd be a sign of me existing. So the only time I could tell you to come pick up my worldly possessions would be when I'm not aware of existing, which would make it tough to send an email or pick up the phone.
Posted by: Brian | February 09, 2006 at 01:59 PM
The need is for after all what language eventually points to – where this constellation of metaphor and gestalt fronts, on what stone the shadows in the cave depend. We may explore for meaning, but we wreck the very ground for soul.
Some generated thought and feeling finds outlet in song, some in math, some in graphics, but these, like holograms, hold their genesis and carry the desire of production forward to the beholder, becoming objects of desire themselves. Which is the trick of the bodhi tree: how do you know you want to be enlightened? How is it, with your original face, that you are unenlightened?
There is a ground from which gods come that permits no personality. The Brahman as matrix of the ten-thousand things is a god properly. There is no person there, and the interactive need is ultimately filled by Kuan Yin, such is the thirst of the organic for loose ends.
Posted by: Edw | February 20, 2006 at 11:51 AM