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December 20, 2005


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I can't even TELL you how happy I am about this ruling. I've been following the case since its inception and I was cheering when I saw Judge Jones' decision on the news. I'm still apalled that even got to court, though. Who doesn't know that ID = creationism in a cheap suit? Hopefully, this will deter the IDers from trying to push their agenda further . . . although, honestly, I doubt it. Oh well, it's still a victory. *dances*

>>Hopefully, this will deter the IDers from trying to push their agenda further

Unfortunately, I think it will fuel their religious fervor. It will be seen as evidence that the rest of the world is going to hell and all the more evidence that it is up to them to save those poor, unfortunate souls who won't believe that there is only one way (their way) to not be eternally damned.

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