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December 11, 2005


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While going through some old papers, I came across a statement made by my ex-brother-in-law: If you don't know what you're looking for, stop looking.

It made me think about what I am "searching" for. Easy, rote answer: enlightenment. But what does that *MEAN*? I didn't come to any conclusion, so, I decided that I'm coming back to "just being" and enjoying who I am.

It also makes me think of something my dad always said, "When you've done all else to stand, stand. You don't have to run around trying to do everything and save everyone."


This article, in my opinion, ranks as one of your all-time top 5 postings....if not # 1 !!! The meaning and message of this article is profound, encompassing, and speaks utmost reason.

I find it odd that no other reader has commented thus far. Are they all out for lunch, or just simply still on safari? I mean, I read this article the day you posted it, and then I imediately posted a link to it on numerous other sites and groups.

I was going to make a comment of applause earlier on, but when one like myself is used to remaining in the center of one's mandala, then it takes longer to "do something"....but hey, here I AM, and my one-hand is loudly clapping along with the great "standing" ovation that is resounding in the Great Hall of Silence.

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