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December 01, 2005


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What this post made me think of:

One of my favorite TV shows (Third Rock From the Sun) had an episode about the "sky pointing" (sort of). An alien race has sent beings to earth to study it and learn what they can. The group set up a household as if they are a family (2 brothers, a sister, and a teenage son of one of the brothers). The "son"--Tommy--is encouraged to join the school basketball team. Before one of the games, the team gathers together to pray. Tommy is puzzled by this. Especially when he sees that the other team is praying as well. THAT clears everything up for him! "So, we're seeing whose god is stronger!?" The coach gets frustrated and says that no, both teams are praying to the same god. "Then the team that god likes better will win?" asks Tommy. The coach, at a complete loss as to what to say, just wants to play basketball.

It made me laugh. And then made me compare the show with real life. And I too, am tired of hearing sports stars say that his/her win was for God/by God/because of God.

That just reminded me of something a comedian said. She was watching the "Dove" awards when some singer won some award and said something like, "I'm just glad I won this award so that my song can bring more publicity to the Lord." The comedian's reaction was, "Yeah, I wouldn't have ever heard of the Lord if it wasn't for your lame-a** song." That made me chuckle, too.

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