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April 29, 2005


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Easy... This is what I'd ask: Assuming that our purpose here on earth is to develop into spiritual perfection - to what end? What role or mission do we ultimately prepare for?

You don't happen to have an answer, do you?


This is very strange. I am a satsangi, living in Canada and came upon your site while looking at a few Sant Mat sites... I started to read a few of your postings....I had been thinking about Pam Beck today as she is a friend of mine....we both live in Puerto Escondido, Mexico in the winter...then I read "The gift of a classmates death"....hmmm....explain that one!

I graduated from Woodlake High In 1966, I remember you, After all these years you have yet to have a coherent thought. Believe in yourself, and stop searching the crap.

Clifford, I haven't had even one coherent thought in all these years? Gosh, you're hard on me.

Does the thought, "I haven't had even one coherent thought," count? Could you give me credit for one, huh? Pretty please.

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