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January 04, 2005


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The great irony of aethism is that aethists spend most of their time talking about God. Funny, really.

I liked your comment about true love. It's a mystery beyond any osciliscope.

the statement regarding the irony of athesim is intriguing. "God" is a universal concept that is inherent in the minds of all humans, regardless of culture. where does this idea come from? when was it first thought? Did it arrise with our entry into consciousness or do whales have a concept of "God"? we may not know "what" God is, but THAT God is is beyond any doubt as a result of the fact that the idea "God" seems to preceed all other ideas.

Thomas, it's true that the search for answers to the big questions of life is universal. Who am I? What happens after death? How did the universe get here? Every culture tries to figure out these basic mysteries.

But the answers are hugely diverse. Some cultures posit a personal god, some an impersonal god, some (like the Taoists in China) a universal cosmic force. So there's no agreement about the nature of "God."

Further, your argument that because we have an idea of god, god must exist, doesn't hold water. Descartes tried to make that argument and it didn't work for him either. Most cultures have the idea of fairies, or similar sorts of spirits.

Does this mean that fairies must exist? I can have the idea of a half-dog, half-cat creature. So does this mean the creature actually exists? Ideas aren't reality. Humans can imagine lots of things that aren't true. The history of science and pseudo-science proves that.

IN FEW TIMES ,an event will show the foolishness of what is said by scientists and so-called clever men .GOD WILL RISE ON SCENE.And again evidence of things will again give the proof that god is not prooved neitheir thought or reasoned, but he is shown and BELIEVED


Joseph LeDoux said(I believe - it could have been the person named above that post - the posts not being well seperated):

"Believing in the existence of intelligent life elsewhere in the galaxy is another matter."

Monsieur LeDoux, I'm somewhat surprised that you appear to seriously believe in the existence of intelligent life ON EARTH:-



Dennis Revell.

(Apologies: old dead link given in previous post, pls delete. Replaced by same thing "live" in this post. Seems the Internet, pretty much like everything else, EVOLVES.):

Joseph LeDoux said(I believe - it could have been the person named above that post - the posts not being well seperated):

"Believing in the existence of intelligent life elsewhere in the galaxy is another matter."

Monsieur LeDoux, I'm somewhat surprised that you appear to seriously believe in the existence of intelligent life ON EARTH:-



Dennis Revell.

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